Terms of usage for the WiiLink family of services
This agreement is for usage of WiiLink, a replacement WiiConnect24 service, as well as services we provide via our DNS
This is an agreement between you and WiiLink, and it's developers, as well as the services accessible via the DNS. WiiLink will be referred to as “WiiLink” or “WL”.
Nintendo's Online Services.
This agreement covers your use of the Wii Shop channel.
Further to the terms of this agreement and, where applicable, the Wii Shop Channel Service agreement, this agreement also includes the following documents:
The Wii Network Services Code of Conduct. The purpose of this document is to keep the Wii Network Services a friendly and safe environment.
The Wii Network Services privacy policy. This document provides you with an understanding of the information that is submitted and collected through the Wii Network Services.
We strongly recommend that you review both of these documents before accepting the terms of this agreement. The complete versions of these documents are available at http://wii.nintendo-europe.com/terms.
by accepting the terms of the Wii Network Services agreement, you are also unreservedly accepting all of the terms of these documents.
We grant you a personal, limited, non-exclusive, revocable licence to use the Wii Network Services, in accordance with this agreement. Specifically:
The Wii Network Services is solely for your own personal recreational use. However, you are responsible for your use and for anyone else’s use of the Wii Network Services through your Wii console, whether or not you give them permission to do so.
You may not transfer or assign this licence to another person or entity, and any attempt to transfer or assign this licence will be void.
You may not use or attempt to use the Wii Network Services for any commercial or illegal purpose, or in a way that may harm another person or company, or in an unauthorised or otherwise improper manner as we may specify from time to time.
You are responsible for clearing all Content, including games and other software downloaded through the Wii Shop Channel, and any personal data, and all other stored sensitive information that is resident on your Wii console prior to selling or otherwise transferring your Wii console to any third party. If you acquire a used Wii console, you are also responsible for clearing all Content, personal data, and all other stored sensitive information that may be resident on that Wii console at the time you acquire it.
By registering for the Wii Network Services and WiiLink you agree that we may provide you with WiiLink services. Some of these may be provided via Standby Connection.
The owners of WiiLink may upgrade (patch) any software distributed through WiiLink or change the Internet content of WiiLink, in part or in whole, at any time. However, any such upgrade or change will be for the benefit of users of WiiLink.
All WiiLink's servers are based off reverse engineering or packet dumps of legitimate WiiConnect24 files; thus, all patchers, content creators, and scripts are © WiiLink 2020-2023
As part of WiiLink's service, we provide an optional mail service through the Wii Message Board. Inbound and outbound mail is stored in a database in our server. We will never attempt to access the mail unless a server issue arises. If you have a complaint regarding a user sending inappropriate mail, please remove them from your friends list. WiiLink cannot view or modify your friends list.
WiiLink may change the terms and conditions of this agreement, including the Wii Network Services Code of Conduct and the Wii Network Services privacy policy which are both made a part of this agreement, at any time as far so this is necessary or helpful to enhance the service or to adapt it to reflect changes in technical or legal requirements.
A current version of this agreement will always be available on the Internet at /tos We will post a message on the Wii Message board informing you about a change to this agreement at least 5 days before the change becomes official.
You are responsible for use of your Wii console and the Wii Network Services by your friends and family. You may not assign this agreement to a third party.
If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that part of the agreement will no longer apply. You agree that the invalid part will be considered deleted from the agreement, but that all other parts of the agreement will remain in effect. You further agree that we may replace the invalid part by a provision which reflects or comes closest to reflecting the initial intention.
“Content” means the software and content, including applications called “Channels”, which Nintendo owns, or has obtained the right to use, distribute or sublicense, and which is available for downloading through the Wii Shop Channel Service, or through other means.
“Nintendo Intellectual property” means all intellectual property associated with the Wii console and the Wii Network Services, including but not limited to trademarks, service marks, logos, designs, copyrights, inventions, patents, trade secrets, know-how and other confidential and proprietary information which Nintendo developed, owns or is granted a licence to use.
“Wii points” means the points which you purchase from Nintendo through the Wii Shop Channel Service or via Wii points Cards and which may be used by you in exchange for a licence to use Content or to purchase products.
“products” means any goods other than Content which are made available for purchase through the Wii Shop Channel Service.
“WiiLink” means the service whereby WiiLink can distribute software, material, e-mail and other data to your Wii console, and the Wii Message board of your Wii console, at any time and whereby you can send and receive e-mails, photographs and other material using your Wii console.
“Wii console” means Nintendo’s system sold and marketed by Nintendo under the Wii brand, including any succeeding systems and compatible systems.
“Wii Network Services” means the Wii Shop Channel Service, WiiConnect24, and any related services and material delivered to your Wii console over the Internet, including but not limited to Content, products and Wii points.
“Wii Network Services Code of Conduct” means the code of conduct applicable to the Wii Network Services as revised by us from time to time, a current version of which will always be available at http://wii.nintendo-europe.com/terms
“Wii Network Services privacy policy” means the privacy policy applicable to the Wii Network Services as revised by us from time to time, a current version of which will always be available at http://wii.nintendo-europe.com/terms
“Wii points Card” means prepaid cards sold or distributed by Nintendo or Nintendo’s promotional partners which contain credits for Wii points.
“Wii Shop Channel Account” means a non-transferable personal account that will be established on your Wii console upon acceptance of these terms and the Wii Shop Channel Service terms of use, and which you use in connection with the Wii Shop Channel Service.
“Wii Shop Channel Service” means the services related to the Wii Shop Channel Account, Wii points, products, online store, and download service, all of which Nintendo directly or indirectly operates, as outlined in this agreement.