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    SD Card or USB Drive

    Internet Connection

    Windows, Mac, or Linux Computer

    Installation guide

    This software is included with your regular WiiLink install.

    Make sure your SD Card/USB Drive is connected to your Computer in order for the Patcher to automatically send your files to your Wii’s SD Card/USB Drive.

    1. Open the RiiConnect24 Mail Patcher application inside the Homebrew Channel.

    2. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    3. Once the Patcher is Complete, You can return to the Wii Menu.

    Congrats! You’ve installed the Wii Mail Service on your Console! You can use the service to your hearts content once again!

    Receiving Mail from the service

    This step is optional, but it’s recommended so you can get news about the service on your Wii.

    1. Go to the Wii Settings —> Internet —> Connection Settings —> the Connection that you’re using —> Change Settings.

    2. Make your way to the “Auto-Obtain DNS” setting.

    Take note that the “Auto-Obtain IP Address” and “Auto-Obtain DNS” settings both look similar, so be sure that you’re on the DNS setting.

    1. Once you made sure that you’re on the DNS setting, Click on “No”, then “Advanced Settings”.

    Set your Primary DNS to —>
    Set your Secondary DNS to —>

    1. After you get done setting up the DNS, Save the changes and let the system perform the Connection Test.

    2. If the Connection Test is successful, make your way back to the second page of the system settings.

    If the Connection Test failed, use a different Internet Connection or try again.

    1. Select WiiConnect24 then set “WiiConnect24” and “Standby Connection” to On.

    2. then go back to the “Internet” page, but select “User Agreements”, then Select “Yes”.

    3. Allow the EULA to load, the developers recommended that you read the EULA, as it gives information about the service.

    4. Once you read the EULA, Click on “I Accept”.

    Congrats! You’ve getting news about the service on the Wii Message Borad! You can stay informed about the service once again!

    Troubleshooting & Questions

    ”Can I just use the WiiLink Mail Patcher and follow this guide, if I can’t, then why?”

    The WiiLink Mail Patcher has been discontinued. If you’re using the app, please delete the app, then use the RiiConnect24 Mail Patcher.

    ”I’m getting error -110211 or another error when trying to use the RiiConnect24 Mail Patcher, or I may have been a former user of the WiiLink Mail service.

    Please join the WiiLink Discord Server for support, you may need to have your Wii Number removed on the database side in order to remedy this issue.